you know what really makes my blood boil? what makes the vein in my head swell to near aneurismic proportion?
It is a husband inflicting violence upon his wife.
a wife beater in my dictionary belongs to the lowest of the species, lower than that of a cockroach or that of a maggot.
a wife beater in my dictionary belongs to the lowest of the species, lower than that of a cockroach or that of a maggot.
a maggot for all its slime will not feast on the carcass of his own kind but a wife beater would sometimes do upon his "love ones" things he dare not commit against his worst enemy.
there are many cockroaches er.. wife beaters near you, you just don't recognize them yet.
a wife beater sometimes takes the form of a meek lamb in front of people he is afraid of then unleash his most vicious sucker punch upon his wife when he gets home. a wife beater may be your brother who rarely raise his voice in anger in public but subjects his wife to her private hell hole at the slightest provocation. a future wife beater is your present boyfriend who whispers sweetly in your ears about his undying love for you right after he bitch- slapped you during an argument.
isn't it the height of cowardice to raise your hand upon a defenseless and hapless invdividual. isn't it a sign of moral depravity to strike the woman who bore and care for your children. isn't it subhuman to spew unprintable curses and spit venom to someone who share your bed.
a wife beater sometimes takes the form of a meek lamb in front of people he is afraid of then unleash his most vicious sucker punch upon his wife when he gets home. a wife beater may be your brother who rarely raise his voice in anger in public but subjects his wife to her private hell hole at the slightest provocation. a future wife beater is your present boyfriend who whispers sweetly in your ears about his undying love for you right after he bitch- slapped you during an argument.
isn't it the height of cowardice to raise your hand upon a defenseless and hapless invdividual. isn't it a sign of moral depravity to strike the woman who bore and care for your children. isn't it subhuman to spew unprintable curses and spit venom to someone who share your bed.
what one must do when you are sleeping with the enemy? what one must do when your tormentor is also your love one.
there is however hope. brought by the enactment of Republic Act No. 9262, known as the ''Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004,''
This new law defines violence against women as any act or series of acts committed against wives, former wives, or women in any form of intimate relationship with the perpetrator, which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse. It considers these acts of violence a public offense, and provides for protective measures and other necessary relief for the survivor victims. The Republic Act also recognizes ''battered woman syndrome'' as a defense, and those found to be suffering from it do not incur any civil and criminal liability, notwithstanding the absence of any of the elements for justifying circumstances of self-defense.
women: note to self: be not afraid
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